制度研究办公室 & 院校检讨委员会 (OIRIRB) exists to provide accurate and timely information to support institutional and strategic planning, 制定政策并激励明智的决策. The OIRIRB is also committed to providing support and expertise for the evaluation and assessment of activities throughout the University.
机构登记 & Performance Federal Reports 满意度调查
机构登记 & Performance
制度研究办公室 creates analytical reports that help the University administration make effective decisions. These reports are available by request and some are available on the website (below). It is this office’s goal to communicate effective and clearly the successes and opportunities at Campbellsville大学.
机构登记 & Performance
Federal Reports
The purpose of the 院校覆核委员会 is to protect the rights of human subjects in research. This includes making sure that vulnerable populations are protected (i.e., prison populations, minor children, neurological impaired adults, etc.) and that informed consent is maintained for participation in research. The IRB is a University committee composed of faculty members and the Director of the 制度研究处 Office. The IRB is responsible for reviewing all research activities involving human subjects. The mission of the IRB is to promote and safeguard research activity that involves human subjects within the academic community and to monitor non-CU researchers seeking to conduct research at any of our campuses or centers.
All projects that involve human research subjects are subject to review by the IRB prior to the initiation of the study. 确定一项研究是否需要IRB审查, the definition of human subject and the definition of research should be examined.
只有IRB有权授予研究豁免地位. A determination of exemption requires that the researcher complete training on the use of human subjects in research and submit a limited review application for exemption to the IRB. 联邦法规包括特定类别的豁免, and any research procedures falling outside those categories must be reviewed through expedited or full review procedures.
An example of a project that would not be considered human subject research is a student project that occurs in the classroom if there is no intention of using the results for any purpose other than a class assignment. This type of project is undertaken as a learning experience to help students understand the process of conducting research, 重点并不是产生有意义的结果. In these cases, 只有学生和老师才能看到结果, 当分配分数时,推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的目的就结束了. However, some class assignments are undertaken as part of a project with a broader purpose that makes them subject to IRB review. For example, if a student intends to later use data collected as part of a class assignment for a thesis project or if a student plans to share the results with an audience outside the classroom he or she should seek IRB approval prior to initiating the data collection process.
Thesis or dissertation projects conducted to meet degree requirements are subject to IRB review and approval any time human subjects are involved.
When a project is undertaken by a student as a learning exercise with the results not shared beyond the classroom, 下列案文供数据收集工具使用:
U.S. 卫生署 & 人类服务部(HHS)